Faq | Brilliant Cleaner | London
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Which Cleaning Products Should I Use?

How can i book regular cleaning services?

What cleaning products SHOULD I USE? 

For our regular cleaners to provide the best service, we recommend having the following available:

You can purchase any brand and from anywhere of your choice, these are only recommendations based on availability and convenience; as Amazon provides up to 15% regular orders on these types of products. Our way of helping you save money. 

  • Good working vacuum with attachments is great for saving time and quality of cleaning

  • Clean and strong mop is essential for clean hard floors

  • Multiple cloths and sponges are beneficial for hygienic cleaning 

  • Antibacterial cleaners are essential for quality of cleaning.
    Multi purpose cleaners are great for convenience, ensure they are suitable for your furniture and surfaces. Bathroom cleaners are brilliant as they have added extras for that extra hygienic clean. Limescale remover is a must have to maintain and prevent.

Great for wood and marble

multipurpose cleaner

bathroom cleaner

limescale remover

glass cleaner

  • Toilet cleaners make all the difference in the short and long term

  • Don't have time? Grab a bundle deal (doesn't include all essentials)

  • Suggested household essentials and supplies to help maintain between cleans.



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